Monday, November 15, 2010

Equestrian Champion

Blue Coat Purple. What’s going on? I tweaked the settings on my digital camera, but nothing I did corrected what I was seeing through the viewfinder. Later, when I returned home and loaded the day’s images into my computer, the riding jacket was indeed the vivid blue I saw with my own eyes. My camera read what I saw correctly, it just did not translate to the preview screen. This illustrates one of the short comings of the digital view. Certain colors don’t translate properly during composition. This is one area where the SLR (single lens reflex) has the advantage, allowing the photographer to see directly through the lens. Of course, instantly being able to see depth of field or lighting shifts resulting from setting alterations in real time allows photographers to better know what results they are getting. As with different cameras, benefits vary. Still, there is no substitute for knowing how one’s camera performs under different lighting conditions and how it reacts to setting adjustments.

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