Monday, November 22, 2010

The Wagner

With the best of intentions he took the pre-vintage motorcycle to rebuild. Given he only knew enough to keep his own up and running, but saw this as an opportunity to learn…and do something nice for the elderly gentlemen who treated him like a grandson. Procrastination, seasonal affective disorder, and more than a passing interest in the new girl in his history class all but benched the project.

Awaking from a restless sleep that Saturday morning, Kevin needed to occupy himself with an activity in an attempt to keep from doing too much thinking. He got enough of that the night before and he didn’t like where it led. Pulling on a pair of ratty old jeans from a pile on the floor of his bedroom and a grease stained old t-shirt from the hamper, Kevin went out to the garage at the back of his property. The large door was already rolled up and the cool November air never chilled him as he quickly got to work: at his feet, a few open books on motorcycle repair. An added benefit of putting the time in this morning -- that if he saw Valleri at the school’s football game that afternoon and she happened to ask what he’s been up to, he would have something more interesting than playing the latest shoot ’em up video game. Girls like guys who do things.

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