Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkins Abound

It’s that time of year. Darkness descends upon us earlier, clouds fill the sky, and there’s a bit of a chill in the evening air. Soon small children will take to the streets beneath the light of a full moon in search of candy. Trick-or-Treat Night. Store bought and homemade costumes will fuel imaginations of the little ones and entertain those whose homes they visit. Waiting on the sidewalk, parents will watch with smiles as no masks can conceal the little faces lighting up with excitement as handfuls of candy are dropped into their bags or plastic jack-o-lanterns after uttering those three magic words. Cheering and laughing, groups of ghosts and goblins, superheroes, wizards and princesses, and cartoon characters run from door to door as they make their way up one side of the street and down the next.

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