Monday, August 9, 2010

Shore Path - The Birch Tree

This is where many a morning's photographic journeys began. Sometimes following an early morning breakfast just up the street at Jordan's in Bar Harbor: a hot cup of coffee, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and blueberry pancakes. I feel energized and ready for a day of exploration and discovery. The white birch is striking against the sky's backdrop of blue hues. A sense of exhilaration and anticipation washes over me every time I approach the tree, wondering what natural treasures I might see and enjoy this time. I start down the Shore Path, looking for shells and rocks, color and texture, pattern and points of interest. Whether due to the season, time of day, or cloud cover, the quality of light is never a constant: either adding to or washing away shadows. And like the ebb and flow of the tide, can either reveal or hide sea life and other wonders. When I look at this image I see opportunity and a day filled with endless possibilities.

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